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April 23, 2013

Caltrans reduces GHG Emissions

This weeks CalAPA Asphalt Insider newsletter announces that "a new report released by Caltrans last week on the department's efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) has singled out innovative asphalt pavements as the department's No. 1 GHG-reducing pavement surface."
The report titled "Caltrans Activities to Address ClimateCaltrans climate report cover  Change" pays special attention to innovative pavement designs, technologies and techniques including WMA and asphatl pavements that utilize rubber from discarded tires and Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). Use of these technologies has:
  • Reduced Caltrans' operational GHG emissions by more than 61,000 tons per year and equivalent to the annual emissions produced by approximately 11,800 passenger vehicles.
  • Caltrans used 2.6 million tons of rubberized asphalt pavements which kept the equivalent of 6.7 million tires out of landfills.



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